2021 Financial Statements

2021 was a challenging year for everyone: even today it's not easy to look back and fully grasp the complexity of what we've faced due to the covid pandemic. During 2021 ActionAid - in the persistence of the pandemic emergency and with the evolution of further conflict emergencies around the world - reaffirmed its approach in the fight against social exclusion and poverty, for the protection of rights, the redistribution of resources and opportunities locally, nationally and internationally.

As ActionAid we collaborated to intervene where it was most needed, aware of the fact that in crisis situations it is often the most fragile who pay the highest price. In 2021, many Swiss men and women confirmed their great generosity, supporting our projects in favour of women and girls, young people and the communities most in need.

Our resources

Globally, in 2021 we were present in 45 countries and reached more than 77 million people. These incredible results were possible thanks to the work of more than 2,300 collaborators, more than half of whom were women. We also collaborated with 702 local leaders, 171 social movements and 374 local networks.

All this was possible also thanks to the contribution of over 6,700 Swiss supporters who, despite the great uncertainties and difficulties, chose to start supporting ActionAid's mission in 2021 or renewed their trust in us, continuing to support projects alongside the most vulnerable communities.



Stories of change
